Arvind University, the Learning and Capability Development arm of Arvind Lifestyle Brands Ltd., launched ‘iLearn 2.0’ to groom the employees across different business divisions on ‘Code of Conduct’ at Arvind. Footwear Business Channel also wanted to deploy an E-learning platform as an induction kit for the new employees joining Footwear Business Division to integrate themselves with the organisation culture and dynamics.
To address the requirements of over 1400 learners from different business divisions, team EduRiser conducted a thorough analysis and created a customised E-learning platform. Blending industry-specific nuances through Arvind’s content library with that of CrossKnowledge content library provided the perfect value-add through supplementary snippets from business and motivational channels.
completion rate for the Arvind Code of Conduct
learners who completed the course reported thorough engagement and valuable content
completion rate reported by the footwear channel