Enhancing The Learner Engagement By Integration With The Existing Digital Learning Offerings And Extending The Scope To Learners Across Different Levels And Industries

The task was to take ‘Any Time Learning’, L&T’s own learning management system to the next level – ATLNext- by making it an engaging learning suite for the learners who are spread out in different locations, divisions, and roles.

For this comprehensive project, we focused on key management principles propagated by famous authors to strike an instant connection. Team EduRiser generated the element of curiosity and interest through subtle hooks using the names of influential academicians who curated the courses we selected for deployment. Through the amalgamation of multiple strategies we successfully aligned the learning objectives and created a superior learning experience.

The Impact

0 %

Connection Rate (number of learners connected to the learning suite vs. number of learners registered)

0 %

the activity rate (number of learners who opened at least one content vs. number of learners registered)

0 hours

on an average per learner

0 hours

of active learning time on the portal

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